Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kicking it back into gear - My New Year's Resolution I just can't seem to keep

It's time... to kick it back in gear that is

When you write down a list of New Year's resolutions in late December after you have eaten at 20 Christmas gatherings, drank too many Christmas cocktails and then concluded the festivities with a gluttonous New Year's Eve, you tend to have this "IDEA" in your head of how you think the next year will go and how you will be able to accomplish it. Well, that's how it went for me I guess. I have been doing great on a lot of my resolutions this year, including Choosing Happy, enjoying more moments with my children, blogging, etc. But, the one thing I really should be working a little harder on...just isn't sticking.

This resolution, as you can probably already guess is: Exercising more & eating healthier. 
 I can say that I am doing this 1/2 heartedly. Some days, I do great....most days lately, I am doing poorly.

Tonight, I finally decided it was due TIME to get back in gear after feeling like the holiday weight gain wasn't going anywhere. I went on the Elliptical for 30 minutes and planned out my week ahead.  I took measurements of myself & plan to weigh myself in the morning.

Tomorrow, I am back at drinking more water, making healthier choices and exercising on a regular basis.  I think that by writing things down in the App - My Fitness Pal will hold me a little more accountable. I have to be honest, I am going to have my slip ups and use the motto of "moderation is key".

Making a plan is the first step. I can do this!!!

 Make Healthy Choices                                   MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES

Are you keeping your fitness & health resolutions? How do you keep yourself motivated? 

I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!

Choose Happy

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