Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How are my goals & resolutions coming along + Free Worksheet

How are your 2015 Goals & Resolutions coming along?  

This week, I designed a worksheet for myself to think about how I am really doing with my goals & resolutions and how can I do better?  I thought you might like a copy of this worksheet too!

Every year, I get excited to make my list of goals & resolutions for the new year. As time passes, I realize which ones are attainable and which ones may have to wait. Next year, I am planning to pair down my list to make it more attainable and worth while.  After reading a post that Lara Casey wrote a few weeks ago, I am realizing that January doesn't have to always be the time of year to write your resolutions and make new goals. You can have a fresh start any day of the year! I encourage you to print off my worksheet below and think about how your goals are coming along and which ones might need some work. 
Answers to a few of my 2015 goal & resolution worksheet questions: 
1. Goal: Balance. 
Yes, I am working on this goal
No, I am not completely satisfied. 
Balance for me is ongoing, I don't know that I will ever feel 100% balanced, but I am realizing it is a work in progress. 

2. Goal:Making eating healthier & exercising a priority
Yes, I am working on this goal
No, I am not completely satisified
In January, I didn't work very hard at this goal. In February, I decided it was time to slowly but surely make this a priority. Day by day I am getting better at making this a priority. Could I do better- Yes, but I am working on it!

3. Goal:Read more books
Yes, I am working on this goal
No, I am not completely satisified
I am excited to be working on this goal. I don't read books very often, as I read so much online lately. But I am starting Make it Happen this week and I am so excited!

4. Goal: Go on more dates with my husband
Yes, I am working on this goal
I am pretty satisified, but it's a work in progress
We have 2 dates planned in the next 2 weeks (this is BIG for us)

What goal or resolution are you working hardest on this year?


  1. I have tons of resolutions/goals that I make every year. I put a reminder on my calendar every week to check in with myself and see how I'm doing. So far it's been pretty good. Any time I can 'schedule' a goal, I find I'm more successful with it. So great that you're checking in with yourself and seeing where you're at with your goals. Right now, reading is the goal that keeps getting pushed to the back-burner for me. =)

  2. I love your sheet for checking in on your goals. Overall I am mostly satisfied with my progress and either working on my goals or have the ones that are a lesser priority ready to start soon. I had a little health issue that got in the way of my business goals and just spent a weekend eating badly, but know that I am getting back on track as of yesterday.

  3. This is a good way of tracking and keeping yourself accountable! Love it, thanks for sharing.

  4. I really like the idea of this worksheet! Helps you focus on one goal at a time!

  5. My goals are going great! I am truly sticking to them. I think this is the first year I haven't fell off the ladder. I am also working on reading more, learning more. I am making so many changes and improvements on my life and it's keeping me crazy busy!

  6. My goals are going pretty good overall...I still struggle with putting down my phone and focusing on the here and now, but I feel like I'm getting better every day! I love this printable...writing things down really helps me stay organized!

  7. What a great sheet to keep track of your goals and how you are doing with them. I am still failing miserably at my goal of saying "No" to things so that I can just have some quality time at home with my husband. We did have Valentine's Day together, so that was a plus. As for your reading goal, Kelly from Kelly's Kinda Krazy has an online Blogger 2 Blogger Book club you should join!! I have been participating in it for a few months, although this is the first month I have finished the book on time to be able to link up a post with them!! It is super fun getting to read everyone's blog posts about the books we read!!

  8. Great that you are checking in with yourself! Some of my goals are getting done and some, not so much! This is a great system! Good luck!

  9. This is a great idea, Becky and I may have to borrow your work sheets. If I ever get around to doing a post on how I'm doing on my goals, I'll be sure to mention your sheets! I am going to try to maybe weigh in every 3 months to see how I am doing... Oh, and I am happy to see the date nights are going to best of all of them... I think the date nights are the funnest goal you have and the most important ;) Just teasing, sort of! I always read when I run on the dreadmill, it is the only way I make time for it!!


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